Tech Help

All members may now pre-register for Tech Help.
This is for in-person

Login to your GCC account then Request GCC Tech Help. Login.

In the Tech Help panel, click on “Request Tech Help”, or in the Tech Help drop down at the top, click on “Request Tech Help”.
The registration form has 3 sections:

 Member Information from CAM
  If you need to update any info here, contact Demian Newsom 623-546-7413
  Or, you can edit your Grand profile; resident edits are reviewed, and updated to our website within a few days.
 Problem Description
  Briefly summarize your Problem
   TechHelp - will be at the Club only
  Check the device(s) that you want assistance on

Getting ready for Tech Help
 • No appointments - but you may pre-register:
  • Complete the online registration form.
  • Problem Description section.
  • Then Submit the form. You will be sent an email confirmation.
 • You can still register at the club on Tuesdays, starting at 11:30AM.
 • Tech Help starts at 12:00PM. Last Tech Help check in at 2:30PM.
 • Have your usernames and passwords ready for the technician.
 • Bring any power supplies and wires that the technician might need to help solve your problem.

Tech Help offers help with the following
 • Operating System installations, tune-up & repairs
 • Browsers
 • Networking Issues
 • Browsers
 • Microsoft Office for Windows & Mac
 • Apple Programs including Pages, Numbers, Keynote
 • Cyber Security
 • Home Entertainment
 • Photo Apps
 • Social Media Apps
 • Calendar Apps
 • Contact Apps
 • Email Apps
 • Smartphones
 • Macs, iPads, iPhones, Apple Watch
 • Android Tablets

Who are the Tech Helpers? The Club is fortunate to have dedicated individuals who have the passion to serve our members by finding solutions to technical problems. This team of 35+ members are loaded with years of career experience. All have a wealth of technical knowledge. Many have volunteered for ten or more years, while new team members have joined in recent years.

We’re always looking for new members to join the Team!
Interested? Contact Clay Stephens at