
Grand Computers Club dues are $25 for a full year (Jan 1 to Dec 31) . You must be a resident of The Grand to join with an active CAM card.

Double Click Image
How to Join the Grand Computers Club
Double Click Image
How to Renew Computers Club Membership

To RENEW : Click HERE to Login to the club website.

To Join: Complete the application form (section 1 and LOOKUP, then section 2, 3, 4) and click Submit
When your Grand Computer Member Information is accepted, the AffiniPay payment page will open in a new browser tab.
AffiniPay only accepts credit/debit cards.
When payment is successful, you will receive an email (almost immediately) that confirms you have paid for your membership.

  1. CAM Resident Information:
    1. ONLY enter your Resident Number and Last Name and click Lookup.
    2. The rest of the CAM Resident Information will be automatically filled in, showing your coverted CAM #.
    3. If CAM Resident Information is incorrect contact Grand Membership Demian Newsom or 623-546-7413
  2. Computer Club Member Information:
    1. Enter your email address, and you may create and confirm a password for our site (optional).
    2. You can also record a password hint.
    3. Select if you wish to be included in the Computers Club member’s roster, Yes or No.
  3. Device(s): Check all the devices you use.
  4. Volunteer Interests: Check your volunteer interests.

Questions/Need Help? Contact our Membership Director at