Special Interest Groups, otherwise referred to as SIGs, are member groups that share common computer or technical interests. In reality the groups are member driven extra-curricular activities, normally with a different and interesting topic at every meeting.

SIGs are neither classes with a designated instructor nor are they specific courses of instruction. Rather, these groups are independent and meet under the direction of a “Contact Person” whose job is to schedule meetings and generally lead the topic of the week or month.

Remember that all SIG meetings are free and do not require a reservation. So pick the SIG that you find interesting and plan to attend their next meeting.

Click image to find out more about that SIG.
See SIGs calendar at the bottom for a
building & room assignment, in-person event.

The Apple SIG mission is to serve particular needs of the members of Grand Computers Club interested in Mac computers and Apple devices.
Meeting: 3rd Monday 3:30 - 5 PM
Oct - April
The Compose Yourself SIG uses computers to write, research and publish their memoirs, stories and other writings; they share writings with one another at monthly meetings.
Meeting: 1st and 3rd Monday
12:45 - 3 PM    All Year

Share the techniques and information concerning PhotoshopElements.
Meeting: 2nd and 4th Tuesday 3:30-5:30 PM Oct-Nov Jan-April
Provides four forums for financial education.
  • Investing Workshop   
  • Monthly Seminar   
  • Financial Websites and Applications
    More information at
    Meetings: Nov - March

  • Provide a focal point for members to meet, work and exchange ideas about flight simulators.
    Meeting: 4th Friday 4 - 5:30 PM Oct-May
    Provides members with an open discussion forum of technologically advanced ideas.
    Meeting: 3rd Thursday 3:30 - 5 PM
    Oct - April