Google Apps for Connected Devices

Number of sessions: 1
Course Fee: $10



  1. Students will:
  2. o Understand the new 2021 setup and synchronization for latest Google software applications versions and their alternate OS conversions.
  3. Need a device with a Google Chrome web browser installed on it.
  4. o Remember, that Google apps are client server programs that are executed within the browser as a client
  5. o a) that accesses the Google database web servers in the cloud
  6. o b) that returns the information to your client device.
  7. o Be able to Install the basic Google applications that require synchronization between Google web sites and the device’s Chrome web browser
  8. o Use the Google utilities such as: Google Backup, Gmail, Navigation, Search and Translate to maintain their devices.
  9. o Install the web-based 6 Google (Docs G-Suite applications) which require internet access via Wi-Fi: Drive, Calendar, Translate, Web Store and Play Store, as well as the internet communication programs (i.e., Hang-up. Duo, Voice and Meeting.)
  10. o Install the newer Google application viewers, players, and supplementary tools: Play Music, Books, Newspapers, Movies, Games, YouTube, Pictures as well as Docs, Sheets, Slides, Print.


This class is to help students learn how to install Google applications that require more than the basic installation performed by the Web Store or Play Store on multiple vendors operating systems and devices.

It will also present info on how to setup application updates and backup, plus synchronization of applications across all (OS) operating systems and associated devices involved.

Note: All Google cell phone applications and all non-telephone PC-related apps have alternative app versions that can be installed on different OS systems such as Windows 10, Apple iOS system, Chrome OS, and Chrome Linux combo OS on Chromebook devices.

It will also present info on how to setup application updates and backup, plus synchronization of applications across all (OS) operating systems and associated devices.

Note: All Google cell phone applications and all non-telephone PC-related apps have alternative app versions that can be installed on different OS systems such as Windows 10, Apple iOS system, Chrome OS and Chrome Linux combo OS on Chromebook devices.