Internet Resources for Creativity

Number of sessions: 1
Course Fee: $10


Materials: This is an Internet only class: Internet browser, Zoom.


  1. This class will be taught on a Windows PC but will apply to Macs since it is Internet exploration.
  2. 1. Learn how to search for the sources of supplemental materials for your project
  3. 2. Recognize the requirements for using web-based content (legal, specifications, etc.)
  4. 3. Discover some of the tricks for organizing your discovered materials


Have an idea for a killer, presentation, gift, card, newsletter, etc.? Do you want to spice it up a little? ... add some graphics, a different font, a UPC code, and discover how to apply a new technique. Where can you find information? What is the correct format? Are there legal limitations? How do you incorporate it into your project? Different search engines give different results... Which one do you like best? What are the requirements of your software? How do you organize your discoveries? We will do a little exploratory investigation for online resources to add that creative "punch." I'll show you some of my favorite resources, and we will try to find something you'd like.